Bloodborne Wiki

Time for chapter 12. This is far and away the shortest chapter in this story. This one is called "Setting the Ambush". Enjoy.

Setting the Ambush[]

Logan and Brandon had been riding in the dark for almost three hours before they saw any sign of life. They eventually ran into General Gates’ army, which was camped on the side of the road for the night, with a watchman on both sides of the road. Logan stopped the cart, and Gates himself approached them.

“I see you two disobeyed your superior’s order”, Gates said. “I hate a soldier who disobeys orders.”

“We’re willing to do whatever it takes to end this war”, Brandon said. “Ragnar is not.”

“I liked y’all’s plan”, Gates said. “You shouldn’t have to do this alone. We’ll help you two.”

“Thank you, sir”, Logan said.

Logan parked the cart on the right side of the road, and he and Brandon got off of it. Gates invited them into his tent, where he had the map of the Silent Fang’s route on a table.

“Which bridge would you like to strike?” Gates asked. Logan pointed to the Westernmost bridge marked along the Silent Fang’s route.

“This one”, Logan said. “By that point, they should believe that they’re safe.”

“We’ll set up cannons on the other side to destroy the bridge as they’re approaching”, Gates said. “But what if they stop the train in time to avoid flying off?”

“We might have to board the train”, Brandon said.

“There are some tunnels along the route that should allow you to drop onto the top of the train”, Gates said. “It’s risky, though.”

“It might be necessary”, Logan said. “We have to risk it. It might be our only chance.”

“Then let’s get moving”, Gates said.


I kinda ran out of ideas with this chapter. Tell me what you think in the comments. Have a good day. The last chapter and epilogue will both be out tomorrow.
