Bloodborne Wiki

The Eye Collector is an enemy in Bloodborne.


Eye Collectors are repulsive hags that hunt down unfortunate victims and forcibly extract their eyeballs. This is presumably in order to elevate themselves to a greater status and grant them access to Arcane magic, or perhaps it holds some relation to the Great Ones. Eye Collectors are weaker variants of The Witch of Hemwick, a more elevated counterpart than the former due to the excessive amounts of eyeballs they possess on their clothing. Because they are not coated in eyeballs like the boss version, they are unable to use magic attacks. However, they are naturally faster than their boss counterparts.


Eye Collectors are fairly weak enemies. However, they have a strong grab attack where they will attempt to gouge out the player's eyes. This attack can be very damaging, but can be evaded or even countered by striking the Eye Collector while she is lunging, although this is a risky strategy. They often hide just out of sight and will attempt to grab the player from behind as they attempt to walk past.



